My station of choice is 560 WIND out of Chicago. The morning starts with John Howell and Cisco Codo-who are local hosts and talk about Illinois and Chicago politics, along with national stuff. Then Dennis Miller is live for 3 hours, then 2 hours of Mike Gallagher, and finally 3 hours of Michael Medved takes me till 5:00. After 5, the station get too staticy to be able to listen. I have even bee known to listen to these guys via internet streaming radio while at my desk.
Anyway, Mike Gallagher (who is probably my favorite of the 3 syndicated shows) has been running adds about joining the resistance. has an online petition they are collecting signatures on to present to President-Elect Obama.
The Resistance States:
As an American citizen, while I will show respect to President-elect Obama, I oppose the far-Left and socialistic elements that comprise the centerpiece of his agenda. I recognize that it will take a patriotic and resilient Citizen Resistance to block implementation of this agenda and I join with others who oppose these threats to our liberties. I signed the petition. I hope you will, too. Go to and sign and share with your friends.

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