Saturday, June 6, 2009

D-Day + 65

I had planned to right a long post of reflections on this incredibly important day, and then watch the greatest D-Day movie I've ever seen, The Longest Day.

Unfortunately, I had to work 13 hours today, after a 16 hour day yesterday, and more tomorrow. A pitiful excuse, but it is what I have.

So I will simply say this:

65 years ago today, over 150,000 Allied troops undertook one of the greatest military operations in the history of the world, as they began Operation Overlord, and the beginning of the end of WWII. The Allies suffered over 10,000 casualties that day. over 2,500 would never leave the beachheads. No words can acurately describe the sacrifice, the courage, determination, and spirit of all those who landed on the beaches, jumped from the planes, dropped the bombs, and piloted the planes who moved the Allies that next step closer to victory. We owe everything we have to these men, and to all Veterans, who have stepped up to the plate, willing to give the 'last, full measure of devotion."

Thank you.

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