Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Simple Concepts

I thought these were simple concepts that were taught in government or civics classes in high school, but obviously, a very large segment of the population doesn't get it.

1) The United States of America is a SOVEREIGN NATION.

2) Our Flag NEVER flies below another.

3) The United States of America bows to NO ONE!!!!!

4) No American President EVER BOWS TO ANYONE, be it king, queen, chancellor, emperor, sheik, cleric, or any other head of state.

That is why, no matter how you feel about anything else he has done, EVERYONE should be absolutely OUTRAGED at THIS:

Millions of American Veterans didn't fight and give their lives so that an American President bow to some king living in a sandbox. I don't care who the hell the President is, you do NOT FUCKING BOW to ANYBODY.

We are the Country that refused to tip our Flag to Chancellor Hitler at the 1936 Berlin Olympics. We are the Country that sent our boys around the world twice to save Europe and defeat the Axis.

And then to add insult to treason, I read this tonight at Blackfive.

The American Cemetery at Normandy has NOTHING to do with special treatment for France. And since the administration seems to have missed history class as well as civics and government, besides the 9,387 American Hero's who never left France, there were over 2,700 British casualties on the beaches.


Jim E. said...

What a disgrace. It show's what we have at the Big House.

drjim said...

Well, considering the people who elected him have no sense or appreciation of history, I'm not surprised their "president" lacks it, too.
Besides his refusal to provide a valid birth certificate, he's guilty of several other impeachable offenses.

Harvey said...

It wasn't a bow, exactly. More of a curtsy.