Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Which Corrupt Illinois Governor Are You?

This is just really, REALLY disturbing.

Your result for The Which corrupt Illinois governor are you test...

Otto Kerner Jr.

You could have been a contender, but ya blew it cuz you're a sucker.

You are Otto Kerner Jr., born in Chicago in 1908 and educated at the Ivy league Brown University as well as Cambridge and Northwestern Law School. You married the daughter of Anton Cermak, one of Chicago's most influential mayors, and fought in World War 2, winning the Bronze star and retiring from the military in 1954 as a Major General. You served as a US Attorney and then as Illinois' Governor from 1961-1968. Wow! You have the resume of a potential US President. What the hell happened?

What happened is that you engaged in the same practices that nearly all politicians have engaged in since before the pyramids. Skim a little graft hear, wet your beak there, line the nest with the cash you pick up helping out your friends. However, you broke the #1 rule in Illinois politics, which is:"Don't get caught!" You took a huge bribe from Marge Lindheimer Everett, manager of Arlington and Washington Park race tracks in exchange for choice racing dates and to get two expressway exits for her Arlington Park racetrack. The bribe was in the form of stocks.

Some say taking a huge bribe wasn't your biggest mistake. Your biggest mistake was taking a bribe from an apparent idiot. Amazingly, the scandal came to light because Everett had deducted the value of the stock on her federal income tax returns under her own theory that bribery was an ordinary and necessary business expense in Illinois!

You were sentenced to 3 years in the Federal Pen, but were released after about a year because you had terminal cancer. You're buried at Arlington National Cemetary because of your distinguished military service.

There are 4 possible outcomes to this test. Congratulations, you are the least of Four Evils!

Please Remember to rate this test. Thanks.

Here are all the test results:

Otto Kerner Jr.


George Ryan


Lennington Small


Rod Blagojevich


Take The Which corrupt Illinois governor are you test
at HelloQuizzy

I suppose it could have been worse.

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