Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dumbest Holiday EVER!!!!!!

What makes a Holiday?

Think about the big 6 (the ones almost every company in the U.S observes). New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas.

New Year's Day-probably the dumbest primary holiday of the year. More pagan than the others, it celebrates the end of the old calender and the start of new one.

Memorial Day. Traditionally, it is a day to remember those who have given the last full measure of devotion to the Country.

Independence Day. Celebrating the day a large group of slave owners who didn't want to pay their taxes told King George to fuck off. It would be 5 years of bloody fighting and 13-1/2 years before the current U.S. Constitution was put to paper. But if they hadn't, we would still be British subjects.

Labor Day. A day to celebrate the working men and women. Those who make the country strong.

Thanksgiving. A day set aside to give thanks for all the blessings we have in our lives.

Christmas. A christian holiday set on a day to go against a pagan ritual. It celebrates the birth of the savior of mankind. The commercialization of it is a crime.

Some of the other important holidays that are observed.
Veteran's Day. Originally called Armistice Day, it was first a day to remember the end of World War I. Today, we honor all those who have served in out military.

Columbus Day. Honoring the second (at least) man to "Discover" America. And he never even made it to the continent itself.

Washington's Birthday. Honoring the leader of the Continental Army and the first President under the current Constitution.

Lincoln's Birthday. 16th President. First Assassinated President. Preserved the Union.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday. A man who fought for equality for all. A real inspirational figure. A man who wanted his children not judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character.

And for all these real holidays and observances. They have been cheapened. You see, Perry County, Alabama has passed a new holiday for their employees.

Barack Obama Day.


So much for judging on the content of the character.

Barack Obama has done a grand total of...


Let's take a look at his national office history. Elected to the United States Senate in 2004 after the Chicago Tribune sued to get his opponent's (Jack Ryan) divorce proceedings made public. The contents involved some details of kinky sex with his WIFE. Obama arrives in Washington in 2005 to assume his seat. 2007, he declares candidacy for President of the United States after promising several times that he was not going to run. 4 years of a 6 year term, and 2 of those 4 have been no service because he was too busy running a campaign. Seriously, what has he done that is noteworthy, other than win one election.

How does this qualify for holiday? What about Gerald Ford Day? Harry Truman Day? Stephen Douglas Day? Chester A. Arthur Day? Woodrow Wilson Day? Buzz Aldrin Day? Jim Bridger Day?

This has to rank in with the dumbest ideas of all time. If I lived in Perry County, I would show up for work anyway just to fight the stupidity.


Contagion said...

Please, he's the greatest President ever! At least that's what they are saying in the grater Chicagoland area.

Anonymous said...

He's a man who's not afraid to vote "present". His motto should be, "Give me ambiguity, or give me something else."

Same old liberalism, just in a plain brown wrapper...

(ya know, instead of a white wrap...
never mind..) ;-)