Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Great Music Christmas-Old City Bar

How can a song about a bar be Christmas?

Simple, when Trans-Siberian Orchestra does it.

This great piece captures the spirit of Christmas. Some old men sitting in an old bar below a neon light on Christmas Eve. A child comes in and ask if they know that a lost girl is sitting outside below the streetlight. The bartender asks the child how they know the girl is lost. He replies simply, "I've noticed if one could be home, they'd be already there."

The bartender steps out taking all the cash from the register and follows the child to the girl. He talks to the girl, calls a cab and sends her to the airport, and after she leaves, the bartenders hands are empty.

The spirit of Christmas is in giving. The pure and simple joy of putting a smile on someone's face. It doesn't need to be expensive. It doesn't need to even cost money. It is simply seeing the joy on the face of a child, or a friend, or a sweetheart when they behold the love you have shown. Yes, the giving, not the receiving is the Joy of Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Home on the Range said...

Merry Christmas Petey. Hope it is everything you dreamed of.