Monday, October 6, 2008

It's Broken

Not really. But it sure hurts like it is.

Basically, I bruised my ass.

Went to the Chiropractor this morning. On and off the table 3 times, used an ultrasound, table traction, and bio-freeze. I did feel a bit better, but the bruised tail bone is not pleasant to sit on.

Probably take a few days to quit being a literal pain in my ass.

At least it is motivation to go do other things.


Contagion said...

I'm not sure how you hurt your ass... but I know how I'm going to tell it!

Anonymous said...

I know it's not funny because I've bruised my tailbone once and it hurt like hell. But I had to laugh when you said they used ultrasound on your ass.

Doctor: "Congratulations! It's twins!"

Wes said...

I'm chuckling with you not at you, but I'm whincing at the same time.

Can't say I ever had an ultrasound for my bruised ass, though.

KTreva said...

I've bruised my own tailbone multiple many times in fact I actually think I cracked it because it will ache when the weather gets bad.

However....this is pretty damned funny! lol