Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Train That Hit Me

Ever have one of those days where you hear the whistle and a split second later,


A train hits you.

Also known as getting Railroaded.

Yep. That was me. Last week at the Fort Obie Rendezvous.

I arrived on Thursday night, later than I had planned as it was already well past dusk. I began setting up my lean-to and cracked a beer. It had been a long day. While I was setting up my camp, the Booshway, my friend Ark Builder and asked me to be the Head Dog Soldier for the weekend. Then before I could spit out a word, he said "Thanks" and walked away. I was left sputtering with the feeling that I had just be hit in the gut.

Friday came around and we had a very sparse kids day. I demonstrated some woodworking using old style hand tools. There was also people doing period dyeing, casting round-ball, showing off some fine guns and horns, and several others. The kids who were there got to see some neat stuff, but we had only a fraction of the normal attendance.

Friday afternoon, I got a chance to talk with the Booshway and his pater familius, Wil. And that is when the tracks started to rumble. After the poor showing at kids day, Wil suggested that he would run kids day if I would be Booshway next year. Of course, this is after he has been telling everybody at every event for 3 months that he was going to be the 2009 Booshway.

I thought my only saving grace was it is up to the camp at the Saturday night camp meeting to elect the next Booshway.

Fast forward to the Camp Meeting. The meeting is just getting started and Wil interjects himself into the conversation of the meeting. All he says is is "All in favor of Petey being Booshway next year? Opposed? Congratulations."


Did someone get the number from that locomotive. That kinda sucked getting hit by that.

Just what I need. Something else on on my plate.

Trek report later. Tired now. Busy week ahead. City Counsel Meeting Monday. Local Blue Lodge Tuesday. Blue Lodge Degree work in Wyoming Wedenesday-I am obligating two new Entered Apprentices. Sometime this week, a friend is hoping to pour concrete, and of course, work with the usual personnel headaches, plus added bonus headaches this week.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Are you freaking Canadian? Learn to spell (hint: it's COUNCIL, not counsel, when speaking of city government ;))

You had an easy out that you didn't even take, squirt - your nephew! Crazy Petey.