Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Atheism versus Agnostic

I found this through IMAO.

New Pew survey: 21% of atheists believe in God

Yes, you have read that right, 21% of ATHEISTS BELIEVE IN GOD!!!!

Evidently, these "atheist" missed a day or 200 in school. Atheism, be definition, is the lack of a belief in a God.

Look at the parts of the word. A-meaning lack of, and theism-a theology. So atheism is the lack of a theology. Like asexual reproduction is a lack of sex for procreation.

If you claim you are an atheist, but believe in or believe there is a God, you are NOT an atheist. You are AT LEAST, Agnostic.

Agnostics believe there is at least a possibility of a higher power.

Personally, I have a hard time with some people who call themselves Agnostic, when they are really more spiritual. To me, if you actually profess a belief and trust in a Deity, you are Spiritual. And one can be spiritual with out being religious. Religion is a particular way to practice a faith, set down as part of a religious discipline.

end rant.


Anonymous said...

Samuel Skinner
No, agnostics are people who say they don't have knowledge about whether or not god exists- although theist agnostics still believe he does.

Still, believing and God and claiming to be an atheist is... unintelligible really.

This calls for a vicious mocking campaign.

Anonymous said...

Red says:
Years ago I had friend tell me you didn't have to go to church to prove you believed in God. It's how you live your everyday life that proves your belief. So if you are a good & caring person on earth you'll end up in Heaven.

D. Skippy said...

I am an agnostic. Meaning I cannot prove or disprove the existence of a higher power, let alone decide upon which religion is supposed to be correct.

While my official title is "Confused", I still try to be as moral a person as I am able just for the sake of doing so, and not because of the possibility of reward or punishment in whatever existence (if any) comes after we die. I once had a boyfriend who told me that he couldn't understand my reasoning. He said that if there were no god or devil then he would do whatever he bloody well pleased.