Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Reaks of Bias

It is a good thing that most people in this country are idiots. Otherwise, the everyone would immediately call this article bullshit, like I am. ***Before reading the article, if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure, get your meds, you'll need them.*** Evidently, "AK-47-type guns turn up more often."

Of course the article starts with a horrific incident at a child's birthday party. Then the article starts talking about how the the BATFE "has recorded a more than sevenfold increase in 7.62x39mm guns" since 1993. From 1994 to 2004, there was an "Assault Weapons Ban" in place. And the author tries to surprise you by say that since 2005 the BATFE has recorded an 11 percent increase in AK-47-style gun (whatever that means) trancings. But what they forget to mention is that prior to that, the number of tracing DURING THE BAN, increase by 675%, over the course of the ban.

But wait. How does that work? Weren't these guns banned?

Actually, NO. For those of you that don't know, the "Clinton Assault Weapons Ban" actually had nothing to do with how any gun function. It was all about cosmetics. For the real information on the ban go here, take the quiz on the sidebar.

Next, there is a story about a Miami-Dade police officer who was killed in the line of duty. And how they are not armed to the same level as the criminals. At least the officer get to carry a firearm. Why can't I carry one. Criminals carry weapons, and they break the law. Why am I punished for obeying the law.

And then of course, the author tries to make some really strange connection of an increase in guns and the war in Iraq.

One of the many total bullshit parts of article is when the author actually sites the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence. After I got off the floor from laughing. For those of you that don't know, the Brady Center is a political action group trying to disarm America. Using their stats is like relying on Phillip Morris for stats on lung cancer.

And yet another fallacy of this article is when the author tries to address the "power" of the 7.62x39mm cartridge. While yes, this is a very effective round, it is far from a serious high powered cartridge. A 7.62x39mm is good for anti-personnel, coyotes, javelina, other medium sized game. It would be an effective deer round. But probably not great for larger game like elk, moose, and bear.


Kevin said...

Methinks you were a bit torqued off by this article?

For good or for bad, NBC News is the most left-leaning of the five major news providers (NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX) and have made no attempt to hide their liberal agenda.

What was it Mark Twain said - there are lies, damn lies, and statistics...statistics can be skewed to show what you want them to show, no matter what...keep fighting for your rights and it will theoretically work out. I have a hard time seeing the 2nd Amendment being overturned, even today by the libs...

Petey said...

No, not at all. It is what I expect from the MSM (Main Stream Media).

Never trust statistics. Another good reason I never took a stats class in college.

We will always fight to maintain the right. The left really isn't trying to overturn the 2nd-they just want to change the interpretation of who is actually granted the right-is it individual or collective. It IS an individual right, otherwise it would not be in the Bill of Rights, but in the rest of the Constitution. Both sides are anxiously awaiting the decision in Heller v D.C. that was heard in the SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) on March 18.