Thursday, April 3, 2008

Roll out the Kegs

Sound the trumpets, cue the D.J. and Raise your glasses.

Today is a very important day.

This afternoon marked the 1,000th Visitor to this blog. Took just a little over 2 months.

So, to my brother (who was the 1,00th visitor) I raise a special glass to you and to all of you who have made this very special day possible, a good shot of Glenfiddich I raise in your honor as well.

I wish you all good health and prosperity.

Also, this post you are reading right now, is my 100th blog post. I have ranted 100 times in just the last 2 months.

Damn. I always knew I could out-talk a room full of politicians, and this is proof.


Anonymous said...

Congrats dude! I know first hand that feels pretty good.

Kevin said...

I didn't know you tracked page hits ;) And how fun that I got it, even though I just found this a week ago!

Hope you enjoyed your event - you'll be an uncle soon, too! (14.5 days and counting!!!)

D. Skippy said...

*looks around* Politicians?? Where?