Thursday, April 3, 2008

A Basic Human Right.

Those who know me, or who have read this blog much, know that I am a very pro-gun, pro-self-defense, pro-concealed carry, pro-2nd Amendment guy. So I am always on the lookout for other guns to add to my collection and information on a) why gun ownership and possession in this country is a guaranteed and a basic right; and b) cases where a gun was the great equalizer.

So, when Og of Neanderpundit put up a link, I read it and believe it needs to be read by everybody.

So here we go:
The original link from Og: Sociological Images: Seeing is Believing.

From there I went to this:
Make a Choice: A Liability or a Useful Tool. I recommend clicking the "A Liability" and take the survey, then read the information that follows. If you are pro-gun it is just more reinforcement of what we already know with classic examples.

Once you are done with that, you come to Self-Defense: a basic human right.

Beautiful stuff.

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