Friday, April 18, 2008


As if we really needed it, but the Wall Street Journal has a good article on where the two demicraps REALLY stand on Gun Control.

If you don't feel like reading the article (it is short and gives an good history of how they have voted and lied about their votes, too), let me sum it up. It is quite simple. Obamaramadingdongdiddlyhopeychangey and Hitlery are both trying to hide how they really feel about personal firearms and basically kiss our collective ass enough to fool us into voting for them. But just look at their recent revelations.

Obamaramdingdongdiddlyhopeychangey thinks the only reason anyone owns guns is because we are bitter about our station in life and that the government hasn't saved us yet. I am not bitter about my economic situation or station in life. Would I like to have more money, absolutely. But I am thankful that I have a warm bed every night, am well fed, I drive a nice vehicle-it's not a Mercedes or Jaguar but I wouldn't want one anyway, I can afford to travel to things I want, I don't live in poverty. So what do I have to be bitter about? But I am a gun owner, and a VERY proud one at that. I don't want the government to come in and try to "save" me from my economic situation. Reagan said it best. "The 9 most terrifying words in the English Language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help." We would all be better served with much less government interference. And one of the major reasons to have the 2nd Amendment is to protect us from the government.

Hitlery tried to make herself sound like a shooter. And I actually agree with Obamaramadingdongdiddlyhopeychangey about her on this (insert violent wretching sounds here). She is trying to make it sound like she is Annie Oakley, but if you listen to her speech where she talks about her father teaching her to shoot as a kid, listen closely (if you can stand to uncover your ears from that horrid voice). As she says My father used to take me out behind our cottage to shoot (or something very similar, I refuse to actually search for the exact quote, she ain't worth the effort-it is the same respect she would show to me), if you listen to her, she has a slight pause where she catches herself from saying "Daddy usta tak me aught behine thu woodshed," so she at least has enough sense to avoid basically calling gun owners nothing but country bumpkins.

So don't be fooled, a wolf in sheep's clothing still stinks like a dumbicrap.

h/t to my brother for the article, and to IMAO for the picture.

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